Saturday 8 June 2013

摩摩喳喳 Bubur Cha Cha

摩摩喳喳 (Bubur Cha Cha) 是非常道地的娘惹糖水,带着色彩缤纷的马来风味。不同颜色的番薯包括黄,橙和紫色的番薯和芋头一起煮,配上雪白色的椰奶香,让人尝到软绵棉的番薯和芋头的同时,扑鼻而来的是浓浓的椰奶香气。

浓浓的椰浆味绝对能撩起你的味蕾!不如尝尝这一款摩摩喳喳(Bubur Cha Cha) 甜品。这款糖水简直令人回味无穷。摩摩喳喳可热吃或冷吃。它给人的诱惑简直无法抵挡。你也来一碗吧!

芋头 500g, 番薯(红,黄) 900g, 木薯 800g,椰浆 (350ml – 400 ml)
Sagu (小粒) 少许 (不放也可以),椰糖 200g,罐装红腰豆,香兰叶,
水3500 ml,冰糖 适量

1. 芋头,木薯和各类番薯切小块,烧开热水,先隔水把芋头,木薯和各类番薯蒸至熟, 记得放几片香兰叶一起蒸。
2. 另一边烧开3500ml的水,加入一半的椰浆,椰糖和香叶煮一起煮香。
3. 椰浆水一滚,就要转小火,把已蒸熟的芋头,木薯,番薯和sago全部加入糖水中。

Bubur Cha Cha

Bubur Cha Cha is an authentic Nyonya dessert consists of a colourful blend of ingredients flavoured with coconut milk and scented with fragrant pandan leaves. It comes with many different versions; some is added with black eye peas, banana or tapioca flour jelly, and it can be served hot or cold too. Nonetheless, cha cha is pronounced as “che che” in Hokkien and “che che” symbolizes abundance. In the olden days, Bubur Cha Cha is usually served during the Chinese New Year as it brings prosperity to everyone in this festive season. Let’s make a big pot of Bubur Cha Cha and share it with your neighbours and friends! I’m sure that they will like this dessert very much!

500 g of yam
900 g of sweet potato (red, yellow)
800 g of tapioca
350 – 400 ml of santan
Little bit of small sago (Optional)
200 g of Gula Melaka
Canned Red Kidney Beans
Pandan leaves
3500 ml water
Rock sugar to taste

1.Boil water and cut taro, tapioca and sweet potato into smaller pieces.
2.Steam the taro, tapioca and sweet potato with pandan leaves.
3.At the same time, boil 3500ml of water in a big pot. Add in gula Melaka, pandan leaves and half of the amount of santan.
4.Reduce the heat when the santan mixture is boiled. Add in the steamed taro, tapioca and sweet potato and small sago into the big pot.
5.Add in the leftover santan, rock sugar and canned red kidney beans and serve. Remember not to boil the santan mixture.

转载自open recipe


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